At Jefferson Elementary School we used to play dodgeball
We also played a game in which we alternately hit a ball against a wall (I forget the name of this competition)
We also played kickball which was just like baseball only instead of batting you kicked
I remember you could request how you wanted the ball delivered when you were up
I preferred fast and bouncy
Slow and bouncy was another option
The others were slow and rolly and fast and rolly
I was good at all these games
Basketball too
And flag football
I was a very competitive child
At Jefferson Elementary School I had teachers named Mrs. Allison,
Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Canino, Ms. Phillips and Mrs. MacDonald
One of them I had twice but I’m not sure who
I remember that Mrs. Phillips was — or seemed — quite old
I remember that Ms. Canino and Mrs. MacDonald were young
I remember that our principal’s name was Mr. Wilde
At Jefferson Elementary School I was eligible to be in the traffic patrol because of my good grades and fine behavior
But I didn’t want to wear a stupid uniform and march and hold a big sign
So I declined the opportunity -- real rebel without a cause stuff
When the traffic patrol had drills I stayed behind in the classroom with all the boys who were ineligible because of bad grades and poor behavior
They were all my friends so I was happy
I don’t know where there girls were at this time
Probably doing some home ec stuff
At Jefferson Elementary School I had many friends and a few sworn enemies
One of my enemies was a kid we called The Choker because he would choke innocent kids with his big beefy hands
One day I’d had enough so I mustered up my courage and hit The Choker in the shoulder with a karate chop
He never bothered me again
My friends included Mark, Brent, Georges, Phillip, Lindsey, Thornton, Douglas, Stanley, Joel and Royal
There were others too
I know, none of them were girls, girls came later
We also played army which kids did a lot back then
At Jefferson Elementary School I learned to read and to write and add and subtract and multiply and divide
I learned some things about history and science
I did some art and some drama and some music
I liked learning but preferred to do it on my own
I liked reading books but I preferred to pick my own books to read thank you very much
At Jefferson Elementary School I was the class clown
I liked to make people laugh
I was good at it
The attention was nice
Teachers liked me but sometimes had to tell me that enough was enough with the funny stuff
I never thought there was such thing as enough but I didn’t want to get into trouble
At Jefferson Elementary School I discovered The Beatles when I was in the fifth grade
The day after they were on the Ed Sullivan show Ms. Phillips opined that they were just a passing fad
She was wrong
My life changed because of The Beatles
Suddenly music was really important
Long hair became desirable
I learned about being cool
My favorite Beatle was Paul
At Jefferson Elementary School I did a lot of growing up
I started as a kindergartner and left as a 6th grader
I remember it fondly
The school still stands today and when I walk by it memories come back
I visualize my old classmates and teachers and recall incidents
Maybe I’ll walk by there again soon
I like my memories of Jefferson Elementary School